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Ice creams around the world

July 16, 2016
Ice cream sundae

Remember that night you sneaked out of your room when everyone was sleeping, and polished off a tub of creamy ice cream? Do you get nostalgic about the times when you fought with your siblings for those frozen goodness in popsicles? You may look back at a time when you and your companion walked the streets past midnight looking for a soft serve, just because a massive craving hit you. You might have been really tired, but determined nevertheless. The thought of having an ice cream can bring back so many fond, nostalgic or embarrassing memories. Probably, that is why we have a day dedicated to ice creams. This day is a celebration of all the good memories associated with ice cream. And there are as many different varieties of ice cream as there are memories attached to it. Here are our picks of unique or interesting ice-creams from the world over, that we're off to relish. This is dedicated to all you ice cream lovers ...

Mochi Ice cream, Japan

The Mochis are made from Japanese sticky rice and ice cream fillings

Spaghetties, Germany

German icecream
German ice cream dishes are always made to look like Spaghetti. Therefore the name!

Gelato, Italy

This Italian version of an ice cream is typically milkier and denser than the traditional ones.

Dondurma, Turkey

Turkish icecream
Yes, Dondurma is a stretchy ice cream that's also chewy as taffy.

Kulfi, India


The Kulfi is a rich and dense dessert frozen in molds and not churned!

By Neetu George